Friday, January 15, 2016

Reflection # 1

The first day of class on components of computer system was so great, but it looks a lot of work is coming on this course. when the teacher gave us a brief introduction on what is coming throughout the semester I said, "don't be afraid, just try to buckle up and keep on the right track". on the first day of class I learn that this subject is more in detail on computer stuff, introduction to computers was only a beginner for us to learn the basic operations and how it works. I can see that this course will be a challenge because I feel if I do not put attention and put my self on the 100 % I could fail this course.

What I learn on this week in class could and will be use full. We are learning about processors and how it works, this could help me on lets say I want to buy a laptop, now I now which laptop is better and which is better for me, also I can recommend a friend in case he is undecided. But this week we had a quiz and I will not do well on that because I did not study a lot I focus on other quiz I had on that same day, I accept the fault on not passing the quiz but that will not happen again. Every week I will put my self to the full extent to pass this course with a good grade.

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