Monday, February 29, 2016

The best Android multiplayer games

Android market is continuing to improve its market in more games online which you can easily connect to your friends online. this games has improve there quality and other things while playing these more advance games. this games has made a great impact mostly to the gamers which play always or are in the internet all the time. here is a list of the top games which are best for playing in multiplayer, please read more on the link below.


This week was a great week because in class we are encountering new topics.  this week we were assign presentations on different topics to present on the class. On Monday our group present on android vs IOS. it was good presentation because we determine the different features of each one, the iPhone is a awesome phone but many people prefer the android system because of its open source. with an android we are allow to do anything on the browser, while the iPhone blocks some features on browser.

My group selected android as the most preferable device for personal use because of its available features. this week was mid semester grades and I was happy to see I pass components good and all my subjects in a good rank. I will continue to put my self to continue have more grades and be on the tops of the class.

Monday, February 22, 2016

8 Android voice commands that are actually really useful

how do you see this action on this commands voices that android has far more advance created to make the life of humans more easier in case they are busy or doing other things at the same time. I see it quite interesting because the have created a command voice that can send text message without you pressing the touch screen as well as an email address. also with this voice commands you can open any app that you have registered on your android phone, so it is more easier to go to your apps. the have upgraded to 8 powerful commands which are nice to use. to see more on the other commands please read on the link below.


this week we did a lot of theory, we are still focusing on the different types of software and there functions of each one of them. also this week we were assigned a powerpoint presentation on different topics, we were assign to work on androids vs ios. this presentation was a good research to determine which one is better for us and the usage. each in the group was given a part to research and discuss.

on Monday we only had the explanation of some remaining points of the software's and there function, on Wednesday there was a visitor he came to the class and gives us a short discussion on program software and how the company runs there activities. it was a good from the person who came to us and explain all of this situations that occurs in big companies and gave us a short idea on how they manage their software. on Friday we had a quiz on software. this is all what we did on components of computer system this week.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Microsoft's new Lumia 650 emphasizes its new business focus, but without Continuum

Microsoft is continuing to increase its market and therefore on phones. they have upgraded more in their smartphone, they have release a new version of the nokia, which is the nokia Lumia 650. this smartphone has increase its storage and new ram speed capacity. this phone is affordable and has been release. this new version of nokia is mostly for business home and which has windows 10 upgrated on the operating system and with a lot of features upgraded which includes removal battery, sd card capacity and a variety of new features being offered.. please read more on the link below.


This week our class was based on the different softwares and their functions on the computer system. as I can there are different types of software and each take an important role, in class the teacher was explaining on this topics, some of this software we have seen it in the past course which was on introduction to computers but now we are going more in detail. On Wednesday we observed in the first part of this softwares and a homework was given on find this diferent types and examples of each one.

Since Monday there were no classes we had the time to practice for our assembly. we practice for Tuesday, our assembly was a success on which everyone did there part, we receive good comments on our assembly, a lot of persons talk good of our assembly and it was as expected. I feel good that everyone talk nice about the assembly. on Friday we continue on the different types of software. That is all we did on this week.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Dell Skylake XPS 13 review: The best ultrabook just got better

Dell is still continuing to surprise the world with their new creations, they are assuring that with this new ultrabook device it will make more easier the life of pc users. its work performance has surpass as the old versions of the ultrabooks, it is more thicker and affordable for the gearheads. This new XPS 13 has surpass all other versions on which has been upgraded to intel i7. More HD graphics with high quality resolution and it is more life battery saving. please read more on the link below to get the full details on the new dell ultrabook for this year.


This week was a great week, I can't complain on what we do on the class. we were preparing for the assembly and that's all we are focusing on. It looks the class wants to have a nice assembly and every one is doing there part for the assembly. the assembly will be on next week Tuesday which is on the 9th of February. We are still on the topic of registers on and their functions of a pc internally and externally.

This topic is a little confusing because we discuss about registers, cache levels and other functions of the pc, which some of them have the same basic operation. It is good when we saw the different parts of the computers cache memory how it helps the pc to work fast in various operations. Also we can see that their are different types of RAM and how they work with the also they are not compatible with each other. That's what we all cover on class this week, hope we do great on the assembly. good luck to all of us.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

GoPro Shooters Can Send Live Streams Up Periscope

This technology which is the GoPro shooters has made a great change especially to the iPhone users, which has make a great impact on them. The Gopro allows the broadcasting for iPhone and other higher advance technologies, you can switch the camera of your iPhone anytime to this GoPro device. This will give a higher resolution on videos and live streaming on other websites. Please read more in the link below.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


This week was a short week for me for components of computer system, I miss the class on Monday on which that is the first day of classes for that subject. Also I miss my first test on that same day which I could not take due to my absence. I could not go because I got to go at work, I was trying to go but my boss told me I needed to go to Belize to arrange some things and to enter some missing vouchers that the company had missing for this week, that was my reason for my absence. I if did not work after school things will had been more easier for me.

I am thankful to my teacher for letting me take the test, as I told I will try this does not happens again. I will try my best to reach always on class and not missing any class, this semester I'm putting my self a little hard to see how much I can reach and how much I can do. Also on class we were arranging what we are gonna do for assembly. hope assembly gets fabulous. This is how my week was on components of computer system.