Monday, February 15, 2016


This week our class was based on the different softwares and their functions on the computer system. as I can there are different types of software and each take an important role, in class the teacher was explaining on this topics, some of this software we have seen it in the past course which was on introduction to computers but now we are going more in detail. On Wednesday we observed in the first part of this softwares and a homework was given on find this diferent types and examples of each one.

Since Monday there were no classes we had the time to practice for our assembly. we practice for Tuesday, our assembly was a success on which everyone did there part, we receive good comments on our assembly, a lot of persons talk good of our assembly and it was as expected. I feel good that everyone talk nice about the assembly. on Friday we continue on the different types of software. That is all we did on this week.

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