every day the world is getting newer and newer, every day technology is increasing more and more, now who could imagine that electrical bicycles will be introduce one day. now we have this electrical bicycles that can make life easier which comes with battery. this device has many features that can make someone very happy. please read more on the link below.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
this week was a good week and soon the classes will be over, this week was short and will only continue on the different types of network and how they work. on Monday the teacher continue with the same powerpoint and we reviewed some other things related to the subject. the class was short and brief on Monday.
on Wednesday we finish with the powerpoint on the different types of network and we continue discussing on how the work and their features, the teacher was deciding to give the last test as a takehome test, hope the teacher give it as a take home so that it could be more easier. only two weeks left and I hope I could continue getting good grades in this class and others to have a good final grades. this was what we do this week.
on Wednesday we finish with the powerpoint on the different types of network and we continue discussing on how the work and their features, the teacher was deciding to give the last test as a takehome test, hope the teacher give it as a take home so that it could be more easier. only two weeks left and I hope I could continue getting good grades in this class and others to have a good final grades. this was what we do this week.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
The HTC 10 is the first flagship Android phone with native Apple AirPlay support
Every year a variety of new phones and with an optomized feature comes out for the people. Now HTC has not stayed back, they have come with this new technology which is so advance that can satisfy many users. This HTC 10 that is coming out will support apple Airplay support which is rare in other androids but is the first phone that will have this new feature. this will be good to the users that usually synchronize with other devices. please read more on the link below.
This week was hard week to start with because we are just coming from vacations, and as everybody do not like to start with studying again and doing homework's. my vacations were great and I had a great time with the family and I think I am ready in continuing to study again. I spend a lot of time meaning most in the days on the sea, this was what I do during my vacations, I can't complain on how my days were in Easter vacation because it was great.
This week we start with a new topic of information in technology, the teacher is explain how the different types of internet and how they work. we started with the different types of network and also the group finish there presentation on it. this week was too short and a lot of information was not covered. We are waiting for the next test the teacher will give to us, I guess it is the last test. this was what we do this week.
This week we start with a new topic of information in technology, the teacher is explain how the different types of internet and how they work. we started with the different types of network and also the group finish there presentation on it. this week was too short and a lot of information was not covered. We are waiting for the next test the teacher will give to us, I guess it is the last test. this was what we do this week.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Windows 10: The best tricks, tips, and tweaks
Windows is one of the best franchise company in the world. since windows 8 was not a success they creators of windows started to make a quick solution on how to increase its demand then they come with windows 10 which is a quick operator to run on the pc. here are some tips and tricks on the advantages of using this windows 10. please read on the link below.
Monday, March 21, 2016
This week was a busy week because the day of the open day was soon arriving. On Monday the next group presented on the next topic of networks, they presented the different types on how they work and where they can be use. The group presented very well and explain in detail this types of networks, when the class finish the teacher spoke with the class and ask what was missing for the open day. The math group was not to ready for the open day, something's were missing but we manage to get all necessary equipment's.
On Wednesday afternoon the math group started to prepare the tents for Thursday. we put up the tent and put all necessary equipment's for that day. the day of the open day came. I reached early to finish setup some decorations, we put everything and also we put music to entertain the people. we manage to attend all incoming persons and show them our games. at the end of the day the person announce the winners and unfortunately we loose and the next math class won first place and of course we came second. After all it was a good day and we hope next year we won.
On Wednesday afternoon the math group started to prepare the tents for Thursday. we put up the tent and put all necessary equipment's for that day. the day of the open day came. I reached early to finish setup some decorations, we put everything and also we put music to entertain the people. we manage to attend all incoming persons and show them our games. at the end of the day the person announce the winners and unfortunately we loose and the next math class won first place and of course we came second. After all it was a good day and we hope next year we won.
Friday, March 18, 2016
In this week my group had our presentation on network topology. we presented on the different types of network topology and how they work. we describe how they are setup and what there functions are. each of the network topologies we presented works differently and they are use in different situations and where it could be install.
this week also we were preparing for our open day and my group gather to see what were missing for the day of the open day. each one of us had to came out with a game to present for that day and how to setup and decorate our tent. this week was a good week because it was calm and good because no problems were there and everything went good.this was what we do on this week.
this week also we were preparing for our open day and my group gather to see what were missing for the day of the open day. each one of us had to came out with a game to present for that day and how to setup and decorate our tent. this week was a good week because it was calm and good because no problems were there and everything went good.this was what we do on this week.
Hands-on with Intel's Skull Canyon NUC, the most powerful game-ready mini-PC
Intel corporation is still surprising the world with is new technology and now it has came out with this new device the skull canyon NUC which is the most powerful game-ready for pc. this device will suit the mind of the gamers. this new technology has many features like quality reading and how it works, works very fast and is more alife while playing the game. it has many card readers for drive installation and for sd cards and usb ports. please read more on the link below.
Monday, March 7, 2016
How to add a web site to your Android home screen with Chrome
android franchise is increasing every year and all the time, google as the supplier of the android corporation is modifying more on the features of the devices that has the operating system. now with your android device you have more available features. now you can add a website to your android home screen with chrome. to understand the fully instructions on how to accomplish this action please read more on the link below.
This week was a nice week cause we cover up a lot of information on the types of networks that surrounds the world. on Monday we took a test on the types of software on how they work and also on our group presentation. the test was pretty hard because of the word bank part. it was a little confusing and I hope I pass above 80 percent. I am working very hard to make a good grade at the final semester, I hope I manage to maintain my grade at a high level.
this semester I am trying to put my self a little more harder in my studies and studying more to have a good GPA. this week also we were discussing about our open day that will take place this coming two weeks. my group is preparing for that day. also we were assign another presentation on the different types of network, and my group was assign network topology. on Friday we only finish discussing the other networks on the world and how they work. this was what we do this week on components of computer system.
this semester I am trying to put my self a little more harder in my studies and studying more to have a good GPA. this week also we were discussing about our open day that will take place this coming two weeks. my group is preparing for that day. also we were assign another presentation on the different types of network, and my group was assign network topology. on Friday we only finish discussing the other networks on the world and how they work. this was what we do this week on components of computer system.
Monday, February 29, 2016
The best Android multiplayer games
Android market is continuing to improve its market in more games online which you can easily connect to your friends online. this games has improve there quality and other things while playing these more advance games. this games has made a great impact mostly to the gamers which play always or are in the internet all the time. here is a list of the top games which are best for playing in multiplayer, please read more on the link below.
This week was a great week because in class we are encountering new topics. this week we were assign presentations on different topics to present on the class. On Monday our group present on android vs IOS. it was good presentation because we determine the different features of each one, the iPhone is a awesome phone but many people prefer the android system because of its open source. with an android we are allow to do anything on the browser, while the iPhone blocks some features on browser.
My group selected android as the most preferable device for personal use because of its available features. this week was mid semester grades and I was happy to see I pass components good and all my subjects in a good rank. I will continue to put my self to continue have more grades and be on the tops of the class.
My group selected android as the most preferable device for personal use because of its available features. this week was mid semester grades and I was happy to see I pass components good and all my subjects in a good rank. I will continue to put my self to continue have more grades and be on the tops of the class.
Monday, February 22, 2016
8 Android voice commands that are actually really useful
how do you see this action on this commands voices that android has far more advance created to make the life of humans more easier in case they are busy or doing other things at the same time. I see it quite interesting because the have created a command voice that can send text message without you pressing the touch screen as well as an email address. also with this voice commands you can open any app that you have registered on your android phone, so it is more easier to go to your apps. the have upgraded to 8 powerful commands which are nice to use. to see more on the other commands please read on the link below.
this week we did a lot of theory, we are still focusing on the different types of software and there functions of each one of them. also this week we were assigned a powerpoint presentation on different topics, we were assign to work on androids vs ios. this presentation was a good research to determine which one is better for us and the usage. each in the group was given a part to research and discuss.
on Monday we only had the explanation of some remaining points of the software's and there function, on Wednesday there was a visitor he came to the class and gives us a short discussion on program software and how the company runs there activities. it was a good from the person who came to us and explain all of this situations that occurs in big companies and gave us a short idea on how they manage their software. on Friday we had a quiz on software. this is all what we did on components of computer system this week.
on Monday we only had the explanation of some remaining points of the software's and there function, on Wednesday there was a visitor he came to the class and gives us a short discussion on program software and how the company runs there activities. it was a good from the person who came to us and explain all of this situations that occurs in big companies and gave us a short idea on how they manage their software. on Friday we had a quiz on software. this is all what we did on components of computer system this week.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Microsoft's new Lumia 650 emphasizes its new business focus, but without Continuum
Microsoft is continuing to increase its market and therefore on phones. they have upgraded more in their smartphone, they have release a new version of the nokia, which is the nokia Lumia 650. this smartphone has increase its storage and new ram speed capacity. this phone is affordable and has been release. this new version of nokia is mostly for business home and which has windows 10 upgrated on the operating system and with a lot of features upgraded which includes removal battery, sd card capacity and a variety of new features being offered.. please read more on the link below.
This week our class was based on the different softwares and their functions on the computer system. as I can there are different types of software and each take an important role, in class the teacher was explaining on this topics, some of this software we have seen it in the past course which was on introduction to computers but now we are going more in detail. On Wednesday we observed in the first part of this softwares and a homework was given on find this diferent types and examples of each one.
Since Monday there were no classes we had the time to practice for our assembly. we practice for Tuesday, our assembly was a success on which everyone did there part, we receive good comments on our assembly, a lot of persons talk good of our assembly and it was as expected. I feel good that everyone talk nice about the assembly. on Friday we continue on the different types of software. That is all we did on this week.
Since Monday there were no classes we had the time to practice for our assembly. we practice for Tuesday, our assembly was a success on which everyone did there part, we receive good comments on our assembly, a lot of persons talk good of our assembly and it was as expected. I feel good that everyone talk nice about the assembly. on Friday we continue on the different types of software. That is all we did on this week.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Dell Skylake XPS 13 review: The best ultrabook just got better
Dell is still continuing to surprise the world with their new creations, they are assuring that with this new ultrabook device it will make more easier the life of pc users. its work performance has surpass as the old versions of the ultrabooks, it is more thicker and affordable for the gearheads. This new XPS 13 has surpass all other versions on which has been upgraded to intel i7. More HD graphics with high quality resolution and it is more life battery saving. please read more on the link below to get the full details on the new dell ultrabook for this year.
This week was a great week, I can't complain on what we do on the class. we were preparing for the assembly and that's all we are focusing on. It looks the class wants to have a nice assembly and every one is doing there part for the assembly. the assembly will be on next week Tuesday which is on the 9th of February. We are still on the topic of registers on and their functions of a pc internally and externally.
This topic is a little confusing because we discuss about registers, cache levels and other functions of the pc, which some of them have the same basic operation. It is good when we saw the different parts of the computers cache memory how it helps the pc to work fast in various operations. Also we can see that their are different types of RAM and how they work with the also they are not compatible with each other. That's what we all cover on class this week, hope we do great on the assembly. good luck to all of us.
This topic is a little confusing because we discuss about registers, cache levels and other functions of the pc, which some of them have the same basic operation. It is good when we saw the different parts of the computers cache memory how it helps the pc to work fast in various operations. Also we can see that their are different types of RAM and how they work with the also they are not compatible with each other. That's what we all cover on class this week, hope we do great on the assembly. good luck to all of us.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
GoPro Shooters Can Send Live Streams Up Periscope
This technology which is the GoPro shooters has made a great change especially to the iPhone users, which has make a great impact on them. The Gopro allows the broadcasting for iPhone and other higher advance technologies, you can switch the camera of your iPhone anytime to this GoPro device. This will give a higher resolution on videos and live streaming on other websites. Please read more in the link below.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
This week was a short week for me for components of computer system, I miss the class on Monday on which that is the first day of classes for that subject. Also I miss my first test on that same day which I could not take due to my absence. I could not go because I got to go at work, I was trying to go but my boss told me I needed to go to Belize to arrange some things and to enter some missing vouchers that the company had missing for this week, that was my reason for my absence. I if did not work after school things will had been more easier for me.
I am thankful to my teacher for letting me take the test, as I told I will try this does not happens again. I will try my best to reach always on class and not missing any class, this semester I'm putting my self a little hard to see how much I can reach and how much I can do. Also on class we were arranging what we are gonna do for assembly. hope assembly gets fabulous. This is how my week was on components of computer system.
I am thankful to my teacher for letting me take the test, as I told I will try this does not happens again. I will try my best to reach always on class and not missing any class, this semester I'm putting my self a little hard to see how much I can reach and how much I can do. Also on class we were arranging what we are gonna do for assembly. hope assembly gets fabulous. This is how my week was on components of computer system.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Gmail 5.10 update fixes Hotmail sync issue, other bugs
There has been a issue on the gmail users about using their gmail accounts with their smartphone and with other accounts, but this franchise corporation has updated this app and has come with the new Gmail 5.10. In this app they have update all the malfunctions on the app, they are assuring that in this app customers can easily sync their contacts and including using their outlook.address. all other bugs have been remove and can be easily remove if they come, they are still working with the nexus customers but I think they will surely come to a solution on them. Gmail has increase its work and will be able to continue impressing their customers over and over. Please read more in detail on the link below.
relection # 2
This was a good week, as I thought this course is more in detail with the computer systems operations and its parts. I can see that it is pretty hard cause a lot of information is being provided and that if you do not pay attention in class you will be lost. we learn about the cache memory, registers and the types of RAM. I can see that every body is catching up and going in track but to me I see it a little hard cause I am not familiar with all this stuff, only about websites and using other stuff on the internet.
The next class we suppose to use the class of components of computer system as a training class for the assembly that is coming in February, but some people reach late in the class that was including me and the teacher decide to have the class as normal. I accept the fault as well as the others did, but in that I reach 20 minutes late and I lost 20 minutes of class which is a lot. I will try not to reach late again so I do not disturb the plan of others. that is what I saw what happen in the class this past week.
The next class we suppose to use the class of components of computer system as a training class for the assembly that is coming in February, but some people reach late in the class that was including me and the teacher decide to have the class as normal. I accept the fault as well as the others did, but in that I reach 20 minutes late and I lost 20 minutes of class which is a lot. I will try not to reach late again so I do not disturb the plan of others. that is what I saw what happen in the class this past week.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Reflection # 1
The first day of class on components of computer system was so great, but it looks a lot of work is coming on this course. when the teacher gave us a brief introduction on what is coming throughout the semester I said, "don't be afraid, just try to buckle up and keep on the right track". on the first day of class I learn that this subject is more in detail on computer stuff, introduction to computers was only a beginner for us to learn the basic operations and how it works. I can see that this course will be a challenge because I feel if I do not put attention and put my self on the 100 % I could fail this course.
What I learn on this week in class could and will be use full. We are learning about processors and how it works, this could help me on lets say I want to buy a laptop, now I now which laptop is better and which is better for me, also I can recommend a friend in case he is undecided. But this week we had a quiz and I will not do well on that because I did not study a lot I focus on other quiz I had on that same day, I accept the fault on not passing the quiz but that will not happen again. Every week I will put my self to the full extent to pass this course with a good grade.
What I learn on this week in class could and will be use full. We are learning about processors and how it works, this could help me on lets say I want to buy a laptop, now I now which laptop is better and which is better for me, also I can recommend a friend in case he is undecided. But this week we had a quiz and I will not do well on that because I did not study a lot I focus on other quiz I had on that same day, I accept the fault on not passing the quiz but that will not happen again. Every week I will put my self to the full extent to pass this course with a good grade.
Intel is trying to cut reliance on PCs
This will be a great year for Intel because on what I see they will stop focusing on only pc and try something new. It will be a great risk to intel's organization but a profitable decision. They were able to choose this decision due to the low demand on desktops and laptops which they see that this year 10 percent was loss from but of them, due to increase in price on the PC'S. Intel will see its growth opportunity in data centers, memory and loT. Intel states that they will not put all his eggs in one basket that's the reason of this diversion on their production and also they state the company will start on shipping sample of its server chips with Altera's FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays) which are reprogrammable chips to select cloud customer this quarter. the only thing they are not succeeding is on tables and smartphones which this year was not a profit. I think intel will work on smartphones because everyone has one in the world. to read more please click on the link below.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
What is the function of the CPU?
A CPU uses complex algorithms and programming to interpret signals and code. Many computer processors feature multiple cores, which help them process information more efficiently and quickly. A CPU retrieves information from the code within programs. It reads it to understand what the code is for, and then it executes the instructions.
A CPU is a small, square, internal piece of a computer that sits on the motherboard in a specialized slot made to hold a certain style or model of central processor. Many CPUs are connected to the motherboard with clamps and pins that are easily damaged. Since a CPU is the main component that processes data, it gets very hot as it works and needs a heatsink and fan to prevent damage, according to Fisher. Alternatively, some computers use water cooling systems.
The two most popular CPU brands are AMD and Intel, and these processors are found in a variety of electronics, including phones, laptops, desktops and gaming consoles. Processor speeds are measured in megahertz and gigahertz.


speed function
Every computer processor includes an oscillator
that operates at a certain number of pulses per second. These pulses set the
tempo for the processor; in most cases, a processor executes one or more
instructions per clock cycle. Clock speeds are usually measured in millions of
cycles per second (megahertz) or billions of cycles per second (gigahertz).
Average processor clock speeds have gone up quite a
bit over the past 10 years. As recently as 1990, a high-performance IBM 8088
processor ran at less than 5MHz. Today, processors from Intel and other vendors
routinely run well over 3GHz.
Clock speeds aren’t a good measure of computing power because there are
simply too many other variables. The design of the processor, the computer’s
system architecture, the system software, and even the amount of memory in a
computer all make a huge difference. By the time you take into account all of
the other factors that can affect a computer’s performance, the clock speed
doesn’t have nearly as much impact. In fact, I can imagine a lot of situations
in which a system with a 200MHz processor would beat the socks off a system
with a 600MHz or 700MHz processor.
- INTEL XEON processor E7-4850 v3

2.2 GHz
35 MB
1536 GB
2.8 GHz
APRIL 2015
2. INTEL CORE i5-4670 Processor

3.4 GHz
6 MB
32 GB
3.8 GHz
MAY 2013
Black Edition

4.0 GHz
8 MB
64 GB
4.2 GHz
FX -Series
October 2012
4. AMD
Athlon X4 860K Kaveri Quad-Core
3.7 GHz
Quad-Core 4
2 MB
34.1 GB
4.0 GHz
Athlon X4
September 2014
2 .0 GHz
1 MB
8 GB
2.0 GHz
Intel Atom
April 2013
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